8 June
St Mariam Thresia Chiramel Mankidiyan (1876-1926)
Foundress of the Congregation of the Holy Family
Born 26 April 1876
Puthenchira, Thrissur District, Kerala, India
October 7, 1913 : Started living in the ‘Ekanthabhavan’
May 14, 1914: Canonical erection of Congregation of the Holy Family (CHF)
Died 8 June 1926 (aged 50)
Kuzhikattussery, Thrissur District, India.
June 6, 1975 : Institution of commission
June 3, 1981 : Exhumation of the tomb
June 28, 1999 : The Holy father declares Mother Mariam Thresia-Venerable
Beatified 9 April 2000, Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City by Pope John Paul II
Canonized 13 October 2019, Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City by Pope Francis
Major shrine Puthenchira, India
Feast 8 June, 26 April at St Mary’s Forane Puthenchira
Venerated in Catholic Church especially Syro-Malabar Church, Syro-Malankara Catholic Church, Latin Catholic Church
Miracles through the Intercession of Mother Mariam Thresia
Photo Credits: Augustus Binu, CC BY-SA 3.0
Pope John Paul II at the Beatification of Blessed Mariam Thresia on 9th April 2000
“I extend my warm greetings to the Bishops from India, to the members of the congregation of Holy Family, as well as to the priests, religious and faithful who rejoice in the Beatification of Sr. Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan. Blessed Mariam Thresia dedicated herself generously to the practice of the Evangelical counsels and an intense life of prayer, which did not spare her suffering sustained her in her many charitable works and willingness to seek out those who were lost. Through her intercession, may the church in India be blessed with an increase in vocations to the religious life imbued with her spirit of prayer and charity”. – Pope John Paul II (now Saint)
Mother Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan: From silent mystic to apostle of the family
By Vatican News
Mariam Thresia, Founder of the Congregation of the Holy Family of Thissur, in India, canonized by Pope Francis on Sunday, October 13, 2019.
Mariam Thresia Mankidiyan was born in 1876 in Kerala, India, and named after Saint Teresa of Avila. She spent her entire life assisting the poor, the sick, the elderly and all those in need.
A childhood of charity
Thresia’s Mother was the greatest influence in her childhood, reading her stories from the Bible and the lives of the Saints, and teaching her how to pray. When Thresia was 10 years old, she made a private vow of virginity and decided to consecrate her life to Christ. At the same time, she attended to the sick and the poor, nursing lepers and caring for orphaned children.
Mystical experiences
Thresia had a series of mystical experiences, including the gift of healing and prophesy. She bore the stigmata in secret and passed through her own “dark night of the soul”. At first, she joined the Franciscan Poor Clares, then the Discalced Carmelites of Ollur. In the end she decided that what she really needed was to lead a life that was withdrawn and in silent union with God.
The “House of Solitude”
In 1913 she created her first small community with two friends. It was to become the nucleus of the Congregation of the Holy Family. During the 12 years in which Mother Mariam was at the head of the Congregation, despite the difficulties associated with the outbreak of the First World War, the Congregation flourished with new convents, schools, boarding schools and orphanages.
Mother Mariam Thresia died on 8 June 1926 and was beatified by Pope Saint John Paul II on 9 April 2000.
Source: Vatican News
For a detailed account, look-up: The Holy See