Parish SCC

St. Pius X Parish consists of 22 Small Christian Communities (SCCs), covering the five geographical areas of Mulund. The communities are subdivided into clusters for effective functioning. These are further subdivided into clusters.

Small Christian Communities 2024-25


ASt. AndrewReena PoddarSr. Lima
BSt. BlaiseAnita DsouzaFr. George
CInfant JesusSophie DantesSr. Sherly
DDavidSylvia LazaredoFr. Norbert
EO.L of LourdesVivian FernandesBr. Karthick
FSt. JudeMelissa RodriguesSr. Anisha
GSt. Francis XavierRonald PereiraSr. Prasanna
HSt. HelenaShamila MascarenhasSr. Nithya
ISt. IgnatiusKevin FernandesFr. George
J1St. JohnSandra LopesSr. Sanila
J2Holy SpiritVivian FerraoSr. Divya
KSt. JamesMathew JosephSr. Karuna
LSt. ValentineLorna JosephFr. Aaron
MSt. MichaelLavina LewisBr. Karthick
NSt. NicholasAnu AnthonyBr. Karthick
O1St. TheresaCollin RosarioSr. Usha
O2O.L of ValankanniPatrisia LoboSr. Vivian
PSt. AnthonyRichard D’SouzaFr. Aaron
QO.L of FatimaLancy D’SouzaBr. Bernandu
RSt. JosephSavitha LoboFr. Aaron
SSt. PaulMelba FernandesFr. Norbert
TSt. MaryNixon MercilineFr. Bernandu