The Sacrament of Matrimony
Parish Guidelines
- Inform the parish office or any of the priests at least 6 months before the Marriage.
- Each candidate is required to do a Marriage Preparation Course, at least 4 months in advance. The list indicating the date, venue and fees is put up on the parish notice board. It is imperative to attend the course both together, unless one is out of Mumbai / India. For details contact Snehalaya Family Service Centre, Mahim – Phone: 24468218, Website: or see our Parish notice board.
- Book the Mass (before booking other things like, hall, caterer, etc).
- Pay Rs. 1000/- at the time of booking the Mass.
- Nuptial Mass will be celebrated on weekdays at 4.30pm and on Sundays at 4pm.
- Nuptial Mass is a community celebration. There could be more than one couple getting married at a Mass.
- After completing the Marriage Preparation Course, the paper work begins.
- In the Archdiocese of Mumbai, proceedings for Marriage start in the girl’s Parish by filling the PNE (Pre-Nuptial Enquiry) Form.
- The PNE form should be filled in at least 6 weeks before the nuptials.
- When the candidate meets the priest- in- charge by previous appointment, for filling in the PNE form, he/she shall bring along the following documents:
- Baptism Certificates of the Bride and Bridegroom issued within the last six months with an entry of the Confirmation; or also get a separate Confirmation certificate, if the entry is not made in the Baptism certificate.
- Certificate of Marriage Preparation Course of both the parties. (copy)
- If previously married, produce the death certificate of the former spouse or a Civil Decree of divorce and a Declaration of Nullity from the Ecclesiastical Tribunal.
- Copy of Court Marriage Certificate, if married in court or any other institution.
- If the marriage process of any of the parties is prepared outside India, and the nuptials are to be celebrated in our parish, the papers will have to be sent in advance to the Bishop’s House for a no objection certificate.
- Candidates who reside abroad or in another Parish, are required to bring documents at least a month in advance, as follows:
- A personal letter to the Parish Priest stating desire to marry and name of the person deputed to attend to other formalities, which should include local and foreign Parish and Residential address.
- Certificate of Marriage Preparation Course, if attended through any other Parish in India or abroad.
- Single status from the Church or Employer.
- Oath of Free State, if necessary depending on the prevailing circumstances.
- In cases of ‘mixed marriage’ (marriage between a Catholic and a non- Catholic), kindly follow the instructions of the priest- in- charge. School Leaving Certificate, Municipal Birth Certificate, permission from the Archbishop’s House, etc. is also necessary.
- On the day of filling in the Prenuptial Enquiry form, you will be required to answer questions on the doctrine of Catholic faith, i.e. Prayers, Creed, Sacrament, Bible and also the teaching of the Church on the Sacrament of Marriage.
- Only one Nuptial Bann will be published in the Church, which will be announced at the 9.30am Mass on Sundays and the second will be displayed on the Notice Board. Candidates are required to check with the Sacristan or the Parish office on Saturday prior to the announcement of banns. If banns are read in other churches, the result of banns must be brought at least 10 days before the nuptials, without which, nuptials cannot be performed.
Parish Priest
3rd November 2022
For your Marriage day

- Choose —– the theme for Mass, Scripture readings, —– plan —– the Prayers of the Faithful, Offertory, etc —– with the priest, who filled your PNE. Request a priest of the parish to celebrate your Nuptial Mass and confirm his ‘ok’.
- In case, you wish to bring your own priest from outside to bless your nuptials, you will have to bring a letter from the priest concerned at least 10 days in advance confirming the same. If more priests are coming from outside, inform the priest who filled your PNE form.
- Have a rehearsal of the nuptial blessing, with the priest concerned a few days before (because couples make mistake on wedding day, which is embarrassing)
- If you intend to prepare a special liturgy for the Nuptial Mass, kindly show the same to the celebrant one week in advance. In preparing the liturgy, you may have to keep in mind the other couples, if any, to be married at the same Nuptial Mass.
Please Note: There could be more than two nuptials on the same day and time, that you have chosen. - Appoint lectors & altar servers.
- Contact the Parish office to arrange for choir, flower decoration, etc. Church has a designated florist. No fresh flowers are allowed on the pews or on the wooden furniture.
- Through the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony, you are going to start a new life together. Hence, it is important for you to prepare yourself spiritually by receiving the Sacrament of Penance (confession).
- Arrange for two witnesses in advance (one from each side). Ask them to sit in front, so you would not need to search for them at the nuptials.
- The Bridal gown and dresses of the bridesmaids, etc. must be modest.
- Photographers should be instructed not to disturb the smooth flow of the liturgical service. No unnecessary movement. No coming up the sanctuary steps.
- Snacks should not be served on the porch of the church.
Clear all the left overs, plates, papers etc. from the church compound. - No Bursting of crackers at all (not even on the road outside the church). It is your responsibility to inform your family & friends about this.
We would like to be of service to you in order to make your Marriage a meaningful celebration and a memorable experience of your love for each other. Please approach us for any help, we will be very glad to assist you.
Parish Priest
2nd November 2022