10 December
Optional Memorial
Our Lady of Loreto

In 2019 Pope Francis added this Optional Memorial to the universal Roman Calendar. The title Our Lady of Loreto refers to the Holy House of Loreto, the house in which Mary was born, and in which the Word was made flesh at the Annunciation. Tradition says that a band of angels scooped up the little house from the Holy Land, and transported it first to Tersato, Dalmatia in 1291, then Recanati, Italy in 1294, and finally to Loreto, Italy where it has been for centuries. It was this translation of the Holy House and the longstanding of the structure Our Lady of Loreto is the patron of builders, construction workers, and aviation. It is the first shrine of international renown dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and has been known as a Marian center for centuries. Popes have always held the Shrine of Loreto in special esteem, and it is under their direct authority and protection. A replica of an ancient statue of Our Lady which is found there, one of the “Black Madonnas.” The original statue made of cedar from Lebanon was destroyed in a fire in 1921.
O God, who at the announcement of your angel willed that your Word would take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary, grant, we pray, to us who remember this great mystery in this holy place, the ability to celebrate both in faith and in holiness of life, the immensity of your mercy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Things to Do:
- Why is Our Lady of Loreto connected with aviation? Read these two articles, Did angels really carry the Holy House of Mary to Loreto, Italy? at Catholic News Agency and Our Lady of Loreto and Aviation from “All About Mary” at the University of Dayton.
- Find out the connection the University of Notre Dame has with Our Lady of Loreto.
- Visit the website of Sanctuary of the Holy House of Loreto.
- Here is further reading about the Basilica of the Holy House (Basilica della Santa Casa)
- The Litany of Loreto originated from this Shrine. Read about the Litany of Loreto in Context.
- See The Illustrated Litany of Loreto for visual meditation on the Litany of Loreto.
Our Lady of Loreto

The shrine of the Holy House of Loreto is located along the Adriatic Sea coast of Italy, in a small town located three hours from Rome. The house has been said to have been miraculously transported from Palestine to Italy, and by the 14th century this shrine in Loreto is one of the most famous shrines of Our Lady in Europe.
The large basilica provides the setting of the small house within the basilica itself. Though the rough walls of the little building have been raised in height and are cased externally in richly sculptured marble, the interior measures only thirty-one feet by thirteen feet.
Within the house an altar stands at one end beneath a statue, blackened over time from the smoke of burning candles and incense, of the Virgin Mother and her Divine Infant. The current statue is a 1920 replacement of damaged ancient original made of cedars of Lebanon. The replacement is made of cedar wood from the Vatican.
The inscription on the altar, Hic Verbum caro factum est, is a reminder that this building is honored by Christians as the house at Nazareth in which the Holy Family lived, and site of the Incarnation, when the Word became Flesh. Another inscription of the sixteenth century which decorates the eastern façade of the basilica sets forth at greater length the tradition which makes this shrine so famous.
Christian pilgrim, you have before your eyes the Holy House of Loreto, venerable throughout the world on account of the Divine mysteries accomplished in it and the glorious miracles herein wrought. It is here that most holy Mary, Mother of God, was born; here that she was saluted by the Angel, here that the eternal Word of God was made Flesh. Angels conveyed this House from Palestine to the town Tersato in Illyria in the year of salvation 1291 in the pontificate of Nicholas IV. Three years later, in the beginning of the pontificate of Boniface VIII, it was carried again by the ministry of angels and placed in a wood near this hill, in the vicinity of Recanati, in the March of Ancona; where having changed its station thrice in the course of a year, at length, by the will of God, it took up its permanent position on this spot three hundred years ago [now, of course, more than 600]. Ever since that time, both the extraordinary nature of the event having called forth the admiring wonder of the neighboring people and the fame of the miracles wrought in this sanctuary having spread far and wide, this Holy House, whose walls do not rest on any foundation and yet remain solid and uninjured after so many centuries, has been held in reverence by all nations.
Adapted from The Catholic Encyclopedia
Source: Catholic Culture
The Message of Loreto
Individual communities have celebrated the Feast of Our Lady of Loreto for decades. Pope Francis opened the feast to the world on October 7 and placed it in the middle of Advent.
The timing isn’t a coincidence. Loreto reminds us that God didn’t choose a mighty, otherworldly being to bear his son, or even a rich and powerful empress. He chose Mary. He let his son’s mother enter this world in a small stone house in an outpost of the Roman Empire. She did chores there, brushed her hair, had restless nights staring at the ceiling. She welcomed an angel and agreed to give birth to the Messiah in that house. She packed her bags and left from that house to visit her pregnant cousin. She raised Our Lord, made his meals, watched him play with St. Joseph on that floor.
To quote Pope St. John Paul II again, Loreto is “the first temple, the first church on which shone the light of the maternity of the Mother of God.”
God in his mercy left us this ordinary building that became the setting to crucial moments in our salvation. We can touch those walls and look at that same ceiling. All of this serves as a physical reminder that we aren’t uttering empty words to a distant sky daddy; we’re part of a story that has left tangible imprints across the world.
It’s as real as he is.
Taken from: ASCENSION, The Faith Formation Leader
The New Advent Feast, Our Lady of Loreto
December 10 of 2019 is the first time that Our Lady of Loreto is celebrated in the General Roman Calendar. On October 7 the decree was pronounced by Pope Francis (although it was published on October 31) to be a reoccurring Optional Memorial for the Universal Church.
Tradition holds that a small house in Loreto, Italy originated in Nazareth and is the actual home of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The dimensions are very small, one-room measuring 30 x 13 feet. It is composed simply of stones and mortar found in Palestine and hand-chiseled in a style consistent of the time of Jesus.
- This was thought to be the home of Saints Anne and Joachim, Mary’s parents.
- The Immaculate Conception occurred in this house.
- It is here that the Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, and with her “ Fiat” the Incarnation happened in this very house.
- This was also the house that the Holy Family lived in Nazareth after returning from their time in Egypt.
- Jesus lived here until he was 30 and began his public ministry.
- Here also is where St. Joseph died.
Since apostolic times this house was a place of pilgrimage and worship. In 313 AD Constantine built a basilica around the Holy House of Nazareth to protect it. The basilica was destroyed by the Saracens in 1090, but the Holy House was untouched. Another basilica was built during the twelfth century but this was destroyed by Moslems in 1263 during the Crusades. The Holy House was again unharmed.
When the Christians were driven completely out of the Holy Land in 1291, the Holy House disappeared from Nazareth and suddenly appeared in modern day Croatia. It is said that angels transported it.
The house was again moved (by angels) on December 10, 1294 (hence the date of the new Optional Memorial), due to the Muslim invasion of Albania. The house landed first in Recanti, Italy, but soon after moved for a third time to its present location in Loreto, Italy.
Loreto is the final home for this Holy House. There is a large basilica containing the house. The Holy House is covered by marble on the outside facade, but on the inside is the original humble stone and mortar walls.
The east wall contains an altar with the inscription: “Hic Verbum Caro Factum Est“ (Here the Word was made flesh). Above the altar is a statue of Our Lady of Loreto. The current statue is a replica of an ancient one made from cedar of Lebanon, one of the so-called “Black Madonnas” due to the burning of candles and incense for hundreds of years. The original statue was destroyed by fire and replaced by another similar statue made from cedar from the Vatican in the 1920s.
Whether we doubt the true origin of the house, or dispute the miraculous traveling of the house to Loreto, and/or dislike the image of the statue of Our Lady of Loreto, this feast day is still pertinent to us. This feast of Our Lady of Loreto is a bridge of the Advent season to Christmas.
The Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy points out that the Advent liturgy celebrates Mary “in an exemplary way…it exalts her faith and humility with which she promptly and totally submitted to God’s plan of salvation; it highlights her presence in the events of grace preceding the birth of the Savior.” We just celebrated the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, a feast that celebrates Mary’s preservation from original sin at the moment of her conception. Her sinlessness was a necessary preparation for being the Mother of God, which “harmonizes perfectly with many of the salient themes of Advent (Dir. Pop. Piety).” For the feast of Our Lady of Loreto, we are remembering the Blessed Virgin Mary in this Holy House, where the Immaculate Conception and Incarnation both occurred.
Pope Francis in his decree points out:
That sanctuary recalls the mystery of the Incarnation and prompts all those who visit it to consider the fullness of time, when God sent his Son, born of a woman, and to meditate on both the words of the angel in the Gospel and the words of Virgin who answered the divine call. Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, the humble servant of the Lord has become the house of divinity, the most pure image of the holy Church.
The aforementioned sanctuary, closely linked to the Apostolic See, praised by the Supreme Pontiffs and universally known, has been able to illustrate in an excellent way, over time, no less than Nazareth in the Holy Land, the evangelical virtues of the Holy Family.
It is these key moments that we can dwell on during this season of preparation for the feast of Christmas. We can place ourselves in the scenes of our meditations, go to this little “Casa Santa” or Holy House and think of the great moments of our Redemption.
Even if we put aside all other aspects connected to this feast day, such as the statue of Our Lady of Loreto and a house transported by angels, Our Lady of Loreto is an Advent image of the Blessed Virgin Mary and a wonderful feast addition to the Liturgical Calendar.
Some further information about Our Lady of Loreto:
- For current information for the liturgy for this Optional Memorial, see the USCCB and Liturgy Training Publications.
- Originally composed and prayed at the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto, the Litany of Loreto, now more commonly known as the Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is often recited at the end of the rosary.
- Visit online the Basilica of the Holy House of Loreto. Unfortunately, the site is only in Italian, but it gives a glimpse of the beautiful sanctuary.
- Was the House of Loreto a flying house, transported by angels? There is a possible rational explanation to the flying house in “Our Lady of Loreto and Aviation.”
- Our Lady of Loreto is the patroness of aviation, so the next plane ride, invoke Mary for a safe trip.
- Since the decree of this celebration is written in Italian, I thought I would share a loose translation of the entire decree. The translation is merged from several online translations, some personal editing and originally from L’Osservatore Romano:
The Celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto in the General Roman Calendar
· Decree of the Congregation for divine worship and the discipline of the sacraments ·
October 31, 2019The veneration for the Holy House of Loreto has been, since the Middle Ages, the origin of that peculiar sanctuary frequented, even today, by numerous faithful pilgrims to feed their faith in the Word of God made flesh for us.
That sanctuary recalls the mystery of the Incarnation and prompts all those who visit it to consider the fullness of time, when God sent his Son, born of a woman, and to meditate on both the words of the angel in the Gospel and the words of Virgin who answered the divine call. Overshadowed by the Holy Spirit, the humble servant of the Lord has become the house of divinity, the most pure image of the holy Church.
The aforementioned sanctuary, closely linked to the Apostolic See, praised by the Supreme Pontiffs and universally known, has been able to illustrate in an excellent way, over time, no less than Nazareth in the Holy Land, the evangelical virtues of the Holy Family.
In the Holy House, before the effigy of the Mother of the Redeemer and of the Church, Saints and Blesseds have responded to their vocation, the sick have called for consolation in suffering, the people of God has begun to praise and beg the Blessed Virgin Mary with the Litany of Loreto, known all over the world. In particular, those who travel by plane have found in her their heavenly patroness.
In light of all this, the Supreme Pontiff Francis decreed with his authority that the optional memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto be entered in the Roman Calendar on December 10, the day on which there is a feast in Loreto, and celebrated every year. This celebration will help everyone, especially families, young people, religious, to imitate the virtues of the perfect disciple of the Gospel, the Virgin Mother who, conceiving the Head of the Church, also welcomed us with Him.
The new memorial must therefore appear in all the Calendars and Liturgical Books for the celebration of Mass and the Liturgy of the Hours; the relative liturgical texts are attached to this decree and their translations, approved by the Episcopal Conferences, will be published after the confirmation of this Dicastery.
Despite anything against it.
From the headquarters of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments,
7 October 2019, in memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary.Robert Card. Sarah, praefectus
Arthur Roche, Archbishop Secretary
Source: Catholic Culture
For a detailed account, look-up Catholic Encyclopedia