St. Pius X Novena
O Holy Father, Pius the tenth, saintly pastor, ascended to the glory of the saints,
hear the prayer which we lay at your feet
(here make your intentions)
Obtain for us the true love of Jesus, so that we may live only in Him.
Grant us your great devotion to the Virgin Mary.
Deliver us from every evil of soul and body.
Obtain that the Church and all Christianity,
may as you so ardently desired, sing the hymn of victory and peace!
St. Pius X, pray for us.
St. Pius X Anthem
Anthem Recording courtesy SACRED HEART CHOIR, St Pius X Church, Mulund
O God, we praise You,
Jesus, we thank You
For giving us our dear, Pius the Tenth
St. Pius, we honour you,
Please do inspire us
Help us realize that we’re one family.
Teach us to forget
Our hates and jealousies
Help us to forgive and be understanding
That we may live in good harmony
Sharing God’s love
And His peace and His joy
Loving each other and praising the Lord (2)
O God, we praise You,
Jesus, we thank You
For giving us our dear, Pius the Tenth
Beloved St. Pius, our Patron Saint
Intercede for us that we obtain
Fuller knowledge of this our redemption
Faith in the new life that’s given to us
That we may live Christ’s life to the full
Spreading the good news
That Jesus brought us
Loving each other and praising the Lord (2)
** Fr Lucian Fernandes (1975–1982. First priest principal St. Pius X High School) suggested that the parish have a hymn to its patron saint. The words of the St. Pius Anthem were written by Glenda Viegas, and the music composed by Fr Lucian.