Confirmation Catechesis
The sacrament of Confirmation seals the faithful with the gift of the Holy Spirit to strengthen them in their Christian life. It is a very important, conscious and committed step in the life of a young Christian.
Baptism, the Eucharist, and Confirmation together constitute the sacraments of Christian initiation. The reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. For “by the sacrament of Confirmation, [the baptized] are more perfectly bound to the Church and are enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. Hence they are, as true witnesses of Christ, more strictly obliged to spread and defend the faith by word and deed” (CCC 1285).
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, the candidates’ personal relationship with Christ is strengthened, and so it is important to prepare them with utmost care and love.
In the words of Pope Francis,
‘It is important that young people receive the sacrament of Confirmation, through which one receives the Holy Spirit and is thus more firmly united to Christ and to the Church, to spread the faith and live as true Christians’.

To receive the message of faith in a deeper and more intensive manner, the team of animators, under the guidance of the Spiritual Director, prepares a syllabus comprising topics such as Faith, People of the Covenant, Jesus Christ – True God and True Man, the Sacraments, the Holy Spirit and the Church.
Apart from this, we have a panel of well-qualified spokespersons presenting topics including the Liturgy, the Our Father and the Creed.
At the end of the year, we have a two-day recollection to help the candidates refresh and interiorise in a deeper manner all that has been taught during the year. Outings, interactive sessions, group discussions and a host of other activities are also planned to help our youth bond with each other and make this experience a memorable one.
These teachings deepen the confirmands’ baptismal promises and help them to be true witnesses of Jesus Christ in their families, neighbourhood, society and the world. This promise is about faith formation, and as animators, we have an active and responsible role to play in each of their faith journeys, which, though challenging, will be enriching and fruitful, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
The powerful grace received by the Sacrament of Confirmation can be made effective and increased if:
- The families of the confirmands continue to motivate them to be committed to the service in the church, for they are the future Church
- The community members and animators offer their prayerful support and encourage the confirmands to contribute in community activities
As they become members of the Parish Youth Group, the confirmands continue to nurture themselves by active participation in the youth programmes of the parish, deanery and archdiocese.
Time & Venue: Sundays 7.30–9.00 am Audio-visual Room, St. Pius X High School
Spiritual Director: Fr Aaron Sequeira
Co-ordinator: Merlyn Fernandes